April 13, 2015


I never thought i'd live this life like this.. I never wanted it..
Live without the person i love.. I'd never imagine it..
I didn't want to live without her..
A mother figure.. I'll always need.. She is the only one i have..
And I never wanted to take one ,ore step without her..

And now it has been two years after she passed away..
Right until now.. Im stilll hoping that this is all just a dream.
I hope that one day I will wake up and she'll standing right in front of me..
Standing there with her smile and make me calm.. And wipe away my tears..

I'd never imagine how to spend my life.. I just let the time passed me day by day..
I wanna go..

And to be noted..
I dont wanna have birthday.. I dont wanna celebrate mine either..
No more  birthday..

Because.. Why would I celebrate it without the one who gave me birth?
And why I celebrate it when everyone tryna screw me out??

I'd say thanks alot for the saying ...but please,...
Can you please stop saying it?

Because actualy it makes me mad so much..

I dont have birthday anymore since my moma passed away..

Posted on by Louisa Gavriela